A live broadcast with Flowhive
– 23 November 2024

Recently, our friend, genius and all round legend Cedar Anderson, inventor of Flowhive, came by for a live Q&A broadcast from the Sunseeker hives – and we had more than 20,000 people tune in! 

At the Sunseeker, part of our commitment to connecting with synergy to the pristine environment that draws us all here is about being better by learning from people and businesses that are creating a world we want to gift to future generations – businesses like Flow, who have revolutionised beekeeping by inventing a radical new way of harvesting honey that is safer and simpler for both bees and keepers.

These ingenious hives tap honey straight from the source without actually opening it, meaning harvesting is gentler and easier for beekeepers and bees alike. No heavy lifting, expensive processing equipment or hours of hot, sticky work. Watch in awe as fresh, pure honey flows right out of the hive and into your jar. No mess, no fuss.

With 75,000 hives used around the world, Flow is creating habitat for these pollinators, expanding awareness of the essential role bees play to support life on earth and showing how businesses can be a force for good. They’re committed to creating a community of educated, empowered beekeepers, protecting pollinators and highlighting the importance of bees to the world.

Bees are literally life. They are regeneration. The climate is alive because of the bees. Pretty mighty little buzzers!

And, as bees are the most exposed species to pesticides in the world, these eazy-peazy hives provide huge opportunity for small operation home and businesses to get involved.

For us, it’s been such a joyous and rewarding experience to have the hives on site, opening up the experience for guests and wrapping it all up in a pristine jar of honey to take for your toast or tea. 

In Cedar’s words, The Sunseeker honey has some of the most medicinal (almost Manuka!) qualities and fruitiest taste he’s seen in the shire – pollinated to perfection from the abundance of surrounding heathlands, lush from the rains and best of all, free of pesticides. The bees keep us honest – a buzzing reminder that we are here to work with nature.